and there in the dust of my heart (where so many plentiful things will be stored), you will come and go among the melons. – Pablo Neruda This week I received a gorgeous new publication from the Arion Press,one of the few artisanal publishers remaining. Each book is hand set, hand printed, […]
Truth be told, I often don’t “heart” NY. The crowds and traffic and energy can all be a little much, and the shoes that seem so cute at 8am sometimes seem like a big mistake by noon. But last week I arranged a meeting in Bryant Park instead of a busy hotel lobby, and when I arrived […]
Years ago, I was in the middle of a complicated business trip, rushing for a connection in a big airport in a town where I knew no one. As I was shuffling along the moving walkway, willing the standers in front of me to lean out of the way so I could rush by, […]
This weekend we celebrate Independent Bookstore Day, one of my favorite of the modern made-up holidays. It’s right up there with Ice Cream for Breakfast Day (February 2) and Meteor Day (June 30). Of course the reason independent bookstores are so wonderful is that they are full of BOOKS. And every once in a while, […]
Is there anything better than a surprise gift from a friend? Yes, when that gift is a book! I have been showered with book-gifts this past year, a source of endless joy. This week the magnificent Lost Words from Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris arrived, thanks to my dear friend Sam. The book was created […]
You are only free when you realize you belong no place – you belong every place – no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great. – Dr. Maya Angelou Longtime Honeybees will know of our appreciation for the work of Brené Brown, speaker of […]
Courage (‘ker-ij) n. The ability to do what frightens one. Origin: Middle English (denoting the heart, seat of feelings): from Old French corage, from Latin cor (heart). Anyone who’s ever published – a book, a professional report, a blog post, even a Facebook update – has had to pause at some point to consider her own courage. […]
Help, head. Help heart. One of the joys of sorting through bookshelves is coming across old friends. This week I re-met Maira Kalman’s terrific My Favorite Things, which features the equally terrific Lydia Davis’ poem, Head, Heart. Stopped me in my tracks. Heart weeps. Head tries to help heart. Head tells heart that’s how […]