I have the honor of serving on the Santa Fe Institute board with Cormac McCarthy, who has not one but two novels being published this fall. This inspired me to listen to a long-form conversation Cormac recorded with SFI President David Krakauer a few years back. It’s one of those discussions where each thread can […]
The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramify into every corner of our minds. – John Maynard Keynes This week I’ve had the chance to reunite with two of my most beloved communities, one linked to Wellesley College and the other to the […]
Asking the right question is much more important than finding the solution. – Brian Arthur Our professional worlds are increasingly silo-ed, and so if you are not a scientist yourself the odds are high that you don’t get to spend much time with scientists. This is one reason for my longstanding affiliation […]
Hello Honeybees, and welcome to our library! We’ve recently reorganized our online library in the way that allows for both more logical navigation and more serendipity. In short, we’ve established four major quadrants of wisdom (Investing, Nature, Spirit, and Nourishment) and we are arranging thematic pods of content within these big categories. (For a more […]