Sunday Best – November 13, 2022

I have the honor of serving on the Santa Fe Institute board with Cormac McCarthy, who has not one but two novels being published this fall. This inspired me to listen to a long-form conversation Cormac recorded with SFI President David Krakauer a few years back. It’s one of those discussions where each thread can be unspooled to reveal the most essential wisdom, the most worthy questions.

At one point, Cormac reflects on his fondness for mathematics, noting, “Working on a mathematics problem – sometimes for a long time – and then coming up with the answer, it’s like a lost animal coming in out of the rain. You just want to say, ‘There you are. I was so worried.’”

Friends, our lives are all full of problems that worry us, whether mathematical or relational or spiritual. May we all know that feeling of relief when an answer is found, the one that has been there all along, wandering out of sight.

Like a lost animal coming in out of the rain.




In case the links above don’t work ,you can listen to the conversation here:

And you can explore Cormac’s new books here:




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