Dear Honeybees, On the edge of a new year, I wish you peace, I wish you prosperity, I wish you joy… and I wish you a little pocket of quiet, so you can hear the world breathing. With love, kc (Never fear, we’ll be back to Finance-forward content next week!)
And Now for Some (Pretty) Good News…. EDIT: please see additional commentary at the end of this post. Here is the carbon intensity of the US economy – emissions per $/GDP. One of the main premises behind the Limits to Growth argument (not really an argument; it’s mathematically true) is that eventually we run out of stuff. Unless. Unless […]
This is a story of prosperity, and sisterhood, and honeybees. Two years ago, I connected with Prosperity Catalyst and visionary leader Siiri Morley (member of the Fast Company League of Extraordinary Women) through the Pipeline Fellowship, a group that trains women angel investors.