Dear friends, this week brings us winter solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas, not to mention National Crossword Puzzle Day, Mathematics Day, and National Bacon Day. Curiously, in times of great activity, with crowds at every turn, it’s easier than ever to get caught up in our individual plans and dramas, our personal joys and heartaches. […]
In these darkest days of the year, as the holiday hubbub subsides, there is nothing like the comfort of curling up with a great book. I’m happy to share a few favorites here, a mix of new issues and old friends.Here’s to the solstice, the return of the light!
I’ve intentionally spent time in varied landscapes this summer, which has led to a more vivid appreciation of the uniqueness and unity of our natural world. Here is the first of a series of blessings based on these places. BLESSING OF THE DESERT May the skittering gecko bring alertness to change May the spirals […]
Dear friends, I could not read the just-released New Day’s Lyric from Amanda Gorman aloud without tearing up, so I know this is the best offering I can share with you this morning. And to extend the sharing, our new winter book list is linked at the end. May this shiny new year bring greater […]
ALMOST EVERYTHING WILL WORK AGAINIF YOU UNPLUG IT FOR A FEW MINUTES —INCLUDING YOU. – ANNE LAMOTT Dear friends, this weekend I am unplugged for the first time in a very long while, and have just awoken to the sound of friends laughing together, surely the best alarm […]
Friends, I am unplugging a bit this weekend, and hope that you are too. Instead of our usual reflections, I offer this audio link to David Foster Wallace’s original Kenyon commencement address, which later became the priceless small volume, This is Water. I re-heard this last night while sitting on my front porch near sunset, […]