I attended a glorious wedding this weekend in a glorious location, where the priest quoted The Princess Bride and the church was full of joy. (Congratulations, cousins!)
We went to visit a gigantic duck-shaped building after the ceremony, because whenever you get the chance to see something shaped like something else – a car shaped like a hot dog, a building shaped like a duck – you should totally do it.
I knew the wedding would be amazing — and the duck did not disappoint either.
Dear ones, if we are lucky, life is full. There are trains to catch and dishes to wash and seemingly endless paperwork. If we don’t watch out, it can be all chores and no entertainment. All deadlines and no joy.
Friends, no matter how high your stack of paperwork, it will still be there in an hour, or tomorrow, or next year.
Let’s go find a giant duck today.
** This quote from Roxane Gay was part of the interview she did with the terrific Jamia Wilson at the Omega Institute.