This week I am taking a trip Far Away, for the first time in quite a while. I remember now how much I love that moment when the plane lifts above the clouds, up where it is always sunny. I remember what a delight it is to splash my face with water after a […]
I was scrolling through photos with my niece this week and she stopped at a series from my last trip to Liberia. She asked me about every single person, about the kids who were getting checked for nutrition and the babies who were receiving their vaccinations and the community health workers delivering care, about the log […]
The line on the map is not to be found at the edge of the sea. – Dana Meadows I’m off to distant shores today, which has me thinking of all the reasons we travel. We travel to see new things, to meet new people, to have new experiences, sure. We […]
More than kisses, letters mingle souls. – John Donne If you are like me, one of your new-century habits over morning coffee is to scroll through photos that your friends and family post on line. This time of year it feels like an stream of terrific postcards, the images full […]