Years ago, a dear friend passed away, completely unexpectedly. The pain was sharp and intense, acute. Weeks and weeks later, on my regular morning commute, a perfectly fine day, someone gently bumped into me on the train and I burst into tears. Time layers into us. The acute slowly fades, but it does not […]
This week brought the joy of being with family, and the satisfaction of some worthy work being done, and then some sharp sorrowful news from far away. It can be a terribly helpless feeling, caring from a distance – but in the midst of the floaty useless anxiety, I got to be near this amazing […]
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. – Seneca (or Semisonic) Last week, I took a long hike with a dear friend, up through a forest that had been consumed by fire a few years back. It was not quite as conventionally pretty as other hikes nearby, with its ghost […]
Life has such surprising left hooks sometimes, which is one reason I love the poetry of Mary Oliver. Here we are, strolling in a field, mooning over a glorious grasshopper, and then POW! She asks, Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? Much as it stings, it is the POW that makes the […]