It’s a fresh new year, full of potential, full of promise. For at least a decade, “more yoga” appeared on my new year’s list – but this was a fib, as it should have read, “any yoga.” A truly un-bendy body and flashbacks of mean girls from junior high made this entry more of […]
WHERE IS THE love? It’s the season of resolutions, when the supermarket is sold out of cauliflower and the treadmill section of the gym is overcrowded. The challenge is, most of us don’t really love cauliflower all that much, and even with the greatest podcasts in the world it’s hard for treadmill time to […]
White space and gratitude – two themes that keep popping up this year, whether in this great article on downtime or this TED talk from Brother David Steindl-Rast. For me these concepts are also deeply, not-quite-consciously embedded in my own new year’s reflection process, which focuses on reinvesting in joy. I described this process in […]
Like many people, my year end used to be shadowed by “should’ves”. I would reflect on resolutions from years past, and instead of feeling great about all of the good things, I’d end up focusing on the things leftover on the list – work un-done, trips un-taken, pounds un-lost.