To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. – Mary Oliver It’s a funny phrase, and apt: we don’t make attention, or do attention, we pay attention. It often feels like a cost. When we are called to pay attention, it’s because our focus is elsewhere. Pay attention to the algebra […]
1000x. Turns out Kigali might be more memorable than Paris. Last week the “Kigali accord” was reached, which will largely eliminate use of HFC’s, chemical coolants used in refrigeration and air conditioning. Two elements stand out: first, the agreement is legally binding, unlike the Paris accords. Second, the impact is stunning: the greenhouse effect of HFC’s is […]
$7.1 Trillion. This is the cumulative non-government investment in the transition economy since 2007. Categories of investment include renewable energy, water & green infrastructure, and sustainable fintech like crowdfunding. Is this a nearly impossible thing to quantify? Of course. Could we quibble about methodology until the cows come home? Sure. Yet is this accounting a […]
Investing is power. Where we choose to focus our resources – it matters. That’s why I’m always interested in where our leaders are investing their own resources – their time, attention, energy, finances, and material resources. Last week Pope Francis released his first long publication, the apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), […]
Hello Honeybees! This week’s mini-video (the final one in our current series) discusses the application of biomimicry principles to investing, and how natural systems can illuminate risks and opportunities that will never show up in our fancy spreadsheets (helpful as those spreadsheets may be).
In this mini-video post we begin to explore the wisdom of biomimicry, and to explain how it might be effectively applied to investing. This post is part of a video series that illustrates our journey in using principles from nature (the study of biomimicry) in our investment work. There are 7 episodes in all, and […]
Hello Honeybees! Today’s mini-video continues our discussion of bringing lessons from biology – from life on earth – into our investment work. We highlight the power and wisdom of the sustainability seen in the natural world, wisdom that is largely untapped when it comes to our business and investing practices.