If you’re asking a question with an answer, chances are you’re asking the wrong question. This plus many other insights were part of the exchange between Wes Jackson, Wendell Berry, and Mary Berry at this year’s Schumacher Lecture, part of the terrific Schumacher Center for a New Economics. If you are interested in how to […]
The informal sectors of the world’s economies are predominant, and the institutionalized, monetized sectors grow out of them and rest upon them, rather than the reverse. – Hazel Henderson Along with the mashed potatoes, one great feature of the US Thanksgiving holiday is that it gives us time for reflection, for gratitude. Time […]
$7.1 Trillion. This is the cumulative non-government investment in the transition economy since 2007. Categories of investment include renewable energy, water & green infrastructure, and sustainable fintech like crowdfunding. Is this a nearly impossible thing to quantify? Of course. Could we quibble about methodology until the cows come home? Sure. Yet is this accounting a […]
This post was originally published on the Sprout Lenders site, which has lots more detail on supporting local agriculture in the greater Boston area. “We learn from our gardens to deal with the most urgent question of our time: how much is enough?” – Wendell Berry I’ve learned a lot from dirt in […]
The SoCap conference is arguably the highest-energy gathering of the year for anyone interested in social entrepreneurship, impact investing, engaged philanthropy… any elements of the “good economy”. I’ve attended for about five years and must admit that at first, I found the very idea of SoCap daunting: the audience was so broad, the agenda was […]