Sunday Best – May 26, 2024


When a measure becomes a target,

it ceases to be a good measure.  

     – Goodhart’s Law (paraphrased by Marilyn Strathern)


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the difference between measures and metrics. 

A measure is a clue; a metric is a fact. A measure is an arrow; a metric is a point. A measure is a puzzle piece; a metric is all straight edges. A measure is in motion; a metric is a freeze frame. Both can be helpful, but they serve different purposes.

Friends, here we are, on the verge of a new season. The garden is mulched. The eagle is circling overhead. The marshmallows are procured. 

What will be the measures of a splendid summer? Legs sore from hiking. Blueberries filling jam jars.  Corn husks topping off the compost pile. Books piled by the reading nook. Sunsets blurring into starlight.

We could chart each mile and berry and page.

We could keep a checklist of done’s and more’s. 

Or we could savor each birdsong, each bonfire, each bloom.

No counting – or accounting – required.





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