I just love it when an essential concept can be found across lots of different dimensions of life. Everywhere I looked this week, the power of habit, and of compounding. shone through.
A company grew at a modest 5 percent a year, but kept it up – doubling in size long after faster-starting peers had faded.
New seeds sprouted to life in a patch of well-tended soil, improved by years of compost and millions of earthworms, nematodes, and other creepy crawlies.
Best of all, a dear friend recounted the joy of walking his grandchildren to school each day, just as he had for his children decades before.
Dear ones, if you are like me, you take great joy in crossing items off of an endless to-do list, full of the tasks that keep life moving, buzzy and ever-shifting.
Perhaps a good companion would be a “keep doing” list.
Full of the things that make life, life.
Quieter, and compounding.