Sunday Best – June 27, 2021


Instructions for living a life:

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it.

     – Mary Oliver


It’s easy to breeze right by the most astonishing things. A hawk circling overhead. A couple that has found one another. A caterpillar slinky-ing up a leaf. A bridge that spans a river. A newborn of any species.

This week I was tending to my bees. I was expecting a visitor and the clouds were rolling in and it had been a hectic day of zooms and spreadsheets and emails, so truth be told I was not paying too much attention. I swapped some empty frames into the hive and rushed along with my day.

Hours later, I took a quick glance at the comb that I had removed.

Friends, just look.

This was all made by insects, with nothing but water and flowers and some fancy enzymes from their own bodies.

We might miss some opportunities here and there, 

but in the end,

if we pay attention,

we will never be un-amazed.

We will be astonished.



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