Sunday Best – May 9, 2021


Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts.

     – Wendell Berry 


Dear ones, we live amidst challenge and struggle, surrounded by cynicism and suspicion – some of it well-founded.

But we also live amidst endless joys.


There is joy in the eyes of loved ones after too long an absence.

There is joy in the neon of new leaf after too cold a winter.

There is joy in the crisp of deep breath after a bout with illness.

There is joy in the ping of perfect words after a wrestle with writer’s block.

There is joy in the clouds of milky tea after a tear-filled conversation.

There is joy in the fuzz of baby bee after a season in the dark.


Friends, we need not be endlessly sunny to recognize these joys as they come,

steady as the struggles,

and intertwined.



I chose the little baby bee emerging above in honor of Mother’s Day. May we be grateful to all who mother us, within our families and beyond, in all different ways and through all parts of life. And with special gratitude to my own amazing mom.





If you find yourself wanting to reflect on this past year, or to contemplate better times to come, we hope you might consider turning to Month of Sundays, which can be found at all of your favorite booksellers. One newly vaccinated friend recently mentioned that she’s bought a stack of books to gift as she begins to reconnect with loved ones who have been apart, as a way to say, “welcome back.”

Thank you to those who have supported this endeavor to date, where proceeds have allowed us to give more generously than usual to some of the most vital nonprofits around.  We designed the book to be evergreen, and hope it will bring comfort and connection through times of ease and times of challenge alike.

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