In theory, long summer days plus constraints on activity creates a pocket of calm and reflection and deeper rooting in the world.
In reality, it’s a trying time.
Small annoyances like a missed email or the farmstand being out of corn loom larger than normal, in part because there is less to look forward to, and in part because no matter how much rest we are getting, we are tired.
Friends, we might need to be productive and effective and resilient in all sorts of settings.
Right now, with others and ourselves, let’s also try to be gentle.
* Progress on our Month of Sundays book continues, with final edits submitted and real live availability on the way! As you know, this book is offered in the hope that it might bring connection, comfort, and courage. All profits from this publication will be dedicated to support of organizations that provide essential wisdom and service, addressing some of our greatest needs.
Primary beneficiaries of this giving will include:
Through this circulating financial model, we aim to illustrate the spirit of generosity and relationship that has made this publication possible. By reinvesting in these root-level capacities, your engagement and support will extend outward into the world, producing all sorts of ongoing benefit.
Thank you for being part of this generative spiral!