Sunday Best – November 4, 2018

When we disagree with something, we tend to think Against. We don’t like this policy, or don’t respect this manager, don’t want to buy this product, don’t want to see this person. Against is a cloudy feeling, a storm in an endless night.

But when true tragedy strikes, a hard-won silver lining is that sometimes it reminds us what we’re For. Who do we want to support? What do we really believe? What kind of world will we help to create? For is the sunrise, sharp and clear.

I’ve been seeing this shift from Against to For in all sorts of contexts lately, from investing to politics to friendships. Conversations that are Against are usually full of anxiety and anger and fear. Conversations that are For are usually full of determination and action and love.

When we shift from Against to For, we shift from Anxious to Fierce.


Dear friends, what are you for? What makes you fierce?

Let’s be For something or someone or someplace today, with all the love in our hearts.

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