Posts Tagged with ‘social impact’

Finance Friday – July 15, 2016

60. That’s how many Social Impact Bonds have been issued since 2010.  If you thought there had only been a few noble SIB experiments to date, that’s because this number has quadrupled over the past 3 years. SIB’s, often called “pay for success” instruments, are public-private partnerships that fund social improvements in a meaningful and […]

Library Stack #5 – What’s in a Name? ESG, SRI, and more

Hello Honeybees, and welcome to our library! We’ve recently reorganized our online library in a way that allows for both more logical navigation and more serendipity. In short, we’ve established four major quadrants of wisdom (Investing, Nature, Spirit, and Nourishment) and we are arranging thematic pods of content within these big categories. This week we’re […]

SoCap Recap

The SoCap conference is arguably the highest-energy gathering of the year for anyone interested in social entrepreneurship, impact investing, engaged philanthropy… any elements of the “good economy”.  I’ve attended for about five years and must admit that at first, I found the very idea of SoCap daunting:  the audience was so broad, the agenda was […]

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