Never measure the height of a mountain until you reach the top. Then you will see how low it was. Dag Hammerskjold This weekend I heard a lovely metaphor, an image from economist David Colander that was conveyed by Brian Arthur, pioneer in complexity economics and longtime faculty member at the Santa […]
On placebos and care. I attended a wonderfully creative gathering of scientists thanks to the Santa Fe Institute recently, where we briefly discussed the placebo effect. The shorthand definition for placebo is that it’s a substance that has no therapeutic effect, but really it is a substance that is not designed to have a therapeutic effect. […]
Asking the right question is much more important than finding the solution. – Brian Arthur Our professional worlds are increasingly silo-ed, and so if you are not a scientist yourself the odds are high that you don’t get to spend much time with scientists. This is one reason for my longstanding affiliation […]