When I walked the Camino de Santiago, I met some wonderful people, but I also spent quite a few days in silence, speaking only to ask for water, or for a spot in a dormitory. I was walking during the scorching Spanish summer, so I liked to start before dawn, setting off in the blue […]
Youth gets together his materials to build a bridge to the moon… and at length the middle-aged man concludes to build a woodshed with them. – Henry David Thoreau I’ve always had a fraught relationship with Thoreau, who seemed to require harsh critique and dismissal in his writing before finding glimmers of hope and […]
Don’t tell me when the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass. – Anton Chekov I was inspired by this weekend’s full moon (the first of three supermoons!) to look up the context of Chekov’s quote. Alas, it turns out Chekov did not say this, at least […]