I listened to a profound conversation between Janine Benyus and Azita Ardakani earlier this month, full of depth and connection and the wisdom of nature. One exchange in particular stood out: nature turns towards the weakness, turns towards the pain. When our skin is cut, dozens of intricate processes rush into action. Platelets form […]
I’ve been playing a lot of word games lately, and weirdly related pairs keep popping into my head. Sometimes it’s sing-songy fun, like foxes and fixes, or bird and bard. Sometimes there is a little more oomph. Taking and tending. Minding and mending. Dear ones, in this curious time, our hearts and minds are trying […]
One of my favorite words from divinity school is “liminality” – it’s a description of the betwixt-and-between, the neither-here-nor-there. The gap between life and death is liminal space. The pause before the chorus Good Vibrations is a liminal space. There are just three rules for liminal space, as far as I can tell. First, we’re […]