Some Honeybee readers will know that I’ve devoted a great deal of time over the years to empathy – trying (often in vain) to practice it, and trying to study it too. This is not so uncommon these days, even in business and finance circles, where there is more and more discussion of “EQ” in […]
The most thought-provoking talk I’ve seen all year – and it wasn’t at TED! As many readers know, I am a big TED groupie, lover of the TED conferences and of all the little TEDx offspring. But the best talk I’ve heard this year was not at a TED conference – it was at the […]
Hello Honeybees! Today’s mini-video continues our discussion of bringing lessons from biology – from life on earth – into our investment work. We highlight the power and wisdom of the sustainability seen in the natural world, wisdom that is largely untapped when it comes to our business and investing practices.