The line on the map is not to be found at the edge of the sea. – Donella Meadows Yesterday I awoke to a hard rain falling on the rooftop. Safe and warm inside, I decided to venture outdoors with a book, the fantastic Under the Sea-Wind by Rachel Carson. […]
The line on the map is not to be found at the edge of the sea. – Dana Meadows I’m off to distant shores today, which has me thinking of all the reasons we travel. We travel to see new things, to meet new people, to have new experiences, sure. We […]
116,000. That’s about how many CFA level 1 exams will be taken in 2017. For the first time, the curriculum includes introductory material in corporate governance and ESG analysis.* Snooze-city! you are saying. I barely followed the CFA curriculum when I was a candidate; why should I care now? Sometimes the most innocuous changes have the […]