Sunday Best – September 26, 2021


Once in a while when I’m reading, I find a sentence that demands a pause to let it ring, like the reverberations from a wineglass or a meditation bowl. I’ve just started Sand Talk by Tyson Yunkaporta (thank you for the gift, J!), and these notes are prevalent, so much so that I’m portioning the book out to myself in small doses so that I can hear as much as possible. 

“In my travels I saw that it was our ways, not our things, that grounded us and sustained us.”


”We don’t have a word for nonlinear… the winding path is just how a path is, and therefore needs no name.”


Dear ones, what are the ways that ground us?

What are the truths that need not be named?

Let’s pause today, and let these questions sing into our souls.





In case you missed it earlier, here is our summer book list for 2021, shared with very best wishes for ongoing learning, exploration, and escape.

Honeybee Summer Reading List 2021

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