Many of you know that I am lucky to serve as board chair at Last Mile Health, a group dedicated to saving lives in the world’s most remote communities. LMH was recently honored to be part of the first wave of grants from the Audacious Project, which will help to bring this work to a whole new level of positive impact.
What’s surprising to many is that the biggest benefit of this award might not be its financial support (though of course that is pretty great). The Audacious process explicitly asks the most talented social entrepreneurs in the world to dream their biggest dreams, in a detailed and thoughtful and – well, audacious – way.
How often have we squashed someone’s dream under the guise of support and practicality, asking them to shrink a grand and powerful vision down into a tiny wimpy do-able thing? It’s essential to be able to determine next steps, of course, but not at the expense of the greatness of purpose.
The next time someone trusts us with a dream, let’s not squeeze it into practicality right away.
Let’s help to make it even bigger.
Then we can all get to work.
* Dedicated to my amazing mother, who has never squashed my dreams, even the really crazy ones. Happy birthday, mom!