Sunday Best – October 27, 2019

Stay right where you are. Don’t run away. Dig in.

       – Pete Seeger


Fo a few years now, thanks to the wisdom of Pilar Gerasimo,  I’ve been trying to follow a more seasonal model of work: using the winter for deep foundation-building projects, spring for sprouting up new ideas, summer for stretching out and expanding. Fall has been full-on harvest mode, gathering up all that has been tended, sharing it with others, pushing to get a lot done before the quieter winter stretch is upon us.

Yet autumn is a time of planting, too. It’s not for tender seeds that will burst into action, but rather for bigger, more durable elements – the sapling that needs to settle its roots before the ground freezes, the bulbs that need the dark and the cold to properly develop.

This past week, amidst a scurry of fall harvest activity – meetings and powerpoints and spreadsheets, a bushel full of productivity – I was brought up short by a friend asking a simple, sincere, Why? It sent me straight to the grounding of my own life, and helped me to see that even in the midst of this autumn busy-ness, there are roots to be established for the coming years.

Dear friends, there are 66 days until the new decade – 2020, a time for clarity if there ever was one!

What big, durable roots do we want to set in the ground?

Let’s be planting, even as we harvest.

Let’s dig in today.

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